Residential Geothermal Myths
Consumers today have many options when it comes to heating and cooling their homes. Traditional air conditioners and heating systems are historically popular options, but with green energy making its name with full force, solar, wind, and geothermal energy sources are great options for homeowners. Residential geothermal systems can save you money, and new systems come with significant tax credits.
Using Ground Source Heat Pumps been proven with large-scale commercial operations. That same technology can work for your home.
There are certain stories about alternative energy sources that find their way into general public knowledge. While many of these stories are simply myths, when they're endorsed by enough people, the tend to come across as truths.
Here are some of the myths about geothermal energy that are easily debunked by facts:
• Electricity is the main power source. Yes, these systems utilize electricity, but only one unit of electricity is utilized to move up to five heating or cooling units from the earth to the home for which they are responsible.
• The noise is intolerable. Some people claim that the noise that is produced by these systems will bother neighbors and keep homeowners up all night. This is simply not true. These systems run very quietly, if not silently, and owners and neighbors will be none the wiser of their existence.
• There are better alternative energy sources available. While it's true that photovoltaic and wind-powered systems have their place in the world of greener energy, geothermal systems can provide the same, if not better, energy as their competitor sources while using up to four times fewer kilowatt-hours of consumption hours that are added to the electrical grid via photovoltaic and wind systems.
• It takes a lot of real estate to build these systems. In truth, there are several different types of geothermal systems that can be installed for homes, and the type of system that's best for the property is dependent not only on the homeowners' needs but also on the availability of the space afforded to that property. One form of this system comes in the form of a vertical loop system, so if real estate is at a minimum, the vertically placed pipes take up very little space. Regardless of whether the system is placed vertically or otherwise, it's always underground, so there will be little to no real estate seen by the naked eye.
• The system will wear out too quickly. While it's true that eventually, these systems will probably need to be repaired or replaced, the placement of this process, which begins within the earth, actually protects them from day-to-day wear and tear. In truth, these systems can last decades because the main source starts underground and the interior system is protected by the walls of the home. When a home is properly sized with a system that is built for its needs, heat can be exchanged indefinitely. This means that wear and tear happen at a minimal rate while maximum benefits are achieved.
If you still have questions about geothermal energy, our team at Skillings and Sons can help you debunk the myths that you've heard. Contact us today, and let us answer your questions about geothermal energy. You will learn how a geothermal system works, what one costs and just how much money you can save on your heating and cooling costs? This year's winter was brutally cold, and the pain was made more unbearable with every new heating bill. The good news is that geothermal heat pump systems can save you significant money on your heating bill. Add to that a tax credit of up to 30% if you purchase a system within two years and geothermal heating and cooling becomes very attractive. We will explain,
• The cost of a residential geothermal heat pump system
• How geothermal system works
• The average annual savings and lifetime value of a geothermal system
Skillings & Sons has brought cutting edge water well technology into residential homes in both New Hampshire and Massachusetts since 1971. Get the facts on geothermal from a trusted, third generation company. Call us today at 1 (800) 441-6281