Where to locate a residential water well
Deciding where to locate your new water well can be a frustrating task if you don't have the right professionals on your team. Both state and local governments will have a say in where the well can be placed, and the location of other structures in the area will also have an impact. Placing a well correctly requires the help of an experienced well driller who can identify safe spaces for well placement that are in line with all relevant regulations.
The Groundwork | Your Properties Geology
Before any well drilling can be done, homeowners are expected to complete a thorough geological study on their land. This will provide you with important information about the quality of water and previous well locations. Since 1984, New Hampshire has required that all well drilling projects be recorded in public records for future reference. This includes data about how and where the well was placed, the type of pump installed, the depth of the well and more. Future homebuyers will want to see these records before purchasing the home to assess whether or not the water system will sufficiently provide for them. They also tell you if there have been previous wells that have run dry or experienced issues on the land.
The Law | Well Setbacks, Size and More
State and local regulations are very strict about where pumps can be located in relationship to the home and other developments. For instance, homes with up to five bedrooms require a 75-foot setback from the property line and the septic system. A minimum of 25 feet is required from any roadway and 50 feet from any state-owned right of way. Further regulations indicate the placement of animal pens, drainage culverts and more. Many of these regulations are for your own protection as the quality of your water can be impacted by runoff from contaminated sources. In addition, some regulations are in place to protect streams and wetlands from damage.
Learn more about well location. Click Here.
The Underground | Dig Safe and Neighbors
Today our homes are serviced by a wide range of underground lines for gas, electric and more. Before you drill, you will need to have all buried lines located and marked on your property. You must stay 15-25 feet away from all lines for safety. In addition, knowledge of any previous wells and the underground conditions of the water table will be used to place the well for best results. In general, drilling into the bedrock is the best way to ensure quality and consistency from your well. However, your new water well can not adversely affect other wells nearby. Your drilling team will need to research where and how your neighbor's wells may be to ensure that your well will be independent.
Every water well installation is different. That's why well drillers are required to conduct significant research into the background of the property and the geological conditions which could affect your results. They are also required to follow state and local guidelines for pump placement to protect everyone from contamination and destruction of the natural ecosystem. Taking a good hard look at these details can save you tons of time and money in the future trying to fix wells that were improperly drilled.